
To Toss of Not To Toss

We know it has long been a tradition for the bride to toss her bouquet and allow her garter to be removed by the groom and tossed to his bachelor friends – or even auctioned off. These traditions came from our English cousins, where long ago spectators at the wedding would attempt to tear off the bride’s clothing, believing it allowed them to share in the couple’s happiness. While the bride was fleeing her attackers, she would toss her flowers to the on lookers to placate them. Tradition says that those catching the bouquet and garter will be the next to marry – though not necessarily to each other. This tradition is changing. A modern version of this is to ask their attendants to sign the bottom of the bride’s shoes. The last names to be erased will be the next to marry. Today’s bride often opts to present her bouquet to the grandparents or to the couple in attendance that has been married the longest. She may also reject having her leg exposed, garter removed and tossed to a group of men. For couples who still wish to follow the tradition, an extra garter is purchased. We have many more ideas for couples that would like contemporary versions of old traditions that they can use.